
Revelation 5:9-14; Psalm 33:10-19

BIG IDEA: Worship involves refuting false claims.

To facilitate this, churches need diverse worship practices, including songs that subvert the false claims of the powerful, wealthy, wise, and mighty, to remind us and others that honor, glory, and blessing belong ultimately to Christ alone!

So, ponder these 3 questions with your people this week:

1) “Is there enough diversity in our church practices to make us well-rounded worshipers, and if not, what else might we need?”

2) “Are there any traditional practices that are limiting our views and experiences?”

3) “In what ways does our personal and corporate worship subvert the claims of man-made governments and cultures in the ways that Revelation does?


Make a list of worship songs and practices that help or challenge us to:

A) Rejoice in God’s good and powerful rule.

B) Recognize His presence and join Him in making all things new.

C) Stand firm against Satanic displays of power while bearing faithful witness to gospel truth.

D) Mimic God who is angry with the wicked every day (cf. Psalm 7:11) yet takes no pleasure in their death (cf. Ezekiel 33:11).