BIG QUESTION: How do I make sense of the world?
How do you make sense of a world that has so much danger and peril, uncertainty and brutality?
Yahweh is with you; you are not alone. Yahweh Elohim is inviting you into community with himself, He designed us to be in community with Him, this is a huge part of how we bear the image of God.
Yahweh was in community with Adam and Eve, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Yahweh was in community with his people in Egypt, close enough to hear their cries, whether or not they could feel and sense His presence.
Yahweh invited Moses into community with Him on the mountain and promised that He would never leave him or his people alone.
And Yahweh Elohim, invites and brings you into community with himself.
However crazy, random or unfair this world and our lives feel, Yahweh, by His very name, seems to have designed us to make sense of this world WITH HIM, as He is with us.
He seems to answer our question with His presence.
Instead of trying to figure life out on our own, concocting idols or fake gods to make sense of our world, our Creator invites us into community with Himself as the primary way to make sense of this world and ourselves.