

BIG IDEA: Jesus wants us to channel His courageous and adventurous Spirit!

3 crucial questions:

1) What are God’s purposes for the church?

2) What are God’s purposes for church leaders?

3) How should God’s purposes shape our church?


here’s our vision for the upcoming year:
1. To make our services less passive and more participatory--less like a show, more like a family gathering; table-centered, not pulpit-centered. Our goal isn’t necessarily to copy or not copy other churches, it’s simply to represent the gospel with more clarity and accuracy.

2. To reform our community groups, so that instead of merely answering Bible questions, we’re also practicing other disciplines and getting to know one another.

3. To increase collaboration with diverse churches to experience God differently, realize His kingdom is bigger than 1 church, and do more than we can on our own.

4. To treat unbelievers and confused Christians with dignity and respect, so that instead of acting like we don’t have struggles and doubts, we seek to understand their experiences and encounter God working in us as we come alongside them.